Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Pickled Eggs

I just enjoyed a homemade pickled egg. They are an acquired taste, so I am told, but if you love you some pickled eggs, mmm boy, try making them yourself.

First, peel a hard-boiled egg. Next, put it in a jar of pickle juice, after you've eaten all the pickles. It can be hot pickles, pickled peppers, mustard pickles... even pickled beet juice. Wait a day to a week, depending how pickly you like your eggs. Then eat. They are chewier than straight-up hard boiled eggs. And easier than pickling eggs from scratch.

Look, I've never gotten sick from this, and I've done it lots of time. This is a much-tested recipe. I haven't tried it with sauerkraut juice yet, but that's because I never have enough juice left, however, some friends gave us a can of sauerkraut juice, and I feel obliged and challenged to create something from it for our next get-together.

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