Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Oh, Christmas Tree

Did you know that today, January 6, is the Epiphany (a celebration that goes back to Roman times)? The 12th day of Christmas (where apparently you have a whole gaggle of geese a laying, maids a milking, etc.)? Did you know this day is sometimes celebrated with presents? Are you burned out on presents?

Well, this CHEAPbit is not about presents, but rather, what to do with your Christmas Tree. What to do with it now that all the festivities are over. Seems a waste to just throw it out. Even if you do, the trash guy probably isn't going to help you out.

So here is a link to all of the things you can do with an old Christmas tree (remove strands of tinsel first) My favorite use is to put it where it can protect wildlife. If you put it near a birdfeeder, it will act as a quick shelter for them, to hide from predators. Some cities with lakes collect them to put in the river, where they act much the same way, only for fish instead of birds. Here are some recycling help options that are available here in Springfield.

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