Saturday, January 10, 2009

Pantyhose Tip #5 (sachet for drawers, closet)

Make a sachet for your drawers from pieces of old pantyhose. If you cut off the foot, you can load herbs into that section, tie it off. But don't stop there, cut the next section, tie off one end, stuff herbs in, and tie it off. Continue until you have enough for all of your drawers.

We grew tons of great smelling herbs last year, so I was lucky enough to have lots to put into my sachet. Lavender, rosemary, mint, lemongrass... yum. I made one with lavender only for my pillow. You could use ribbon to make it pretty, or to create a tie to hang from your closet pole. Some herbs deter moths, I hear.

I also had some 'old' spices (over three years old) that I hated throwing out. Do not use powdered spices for this, of course, because it will sift right out and get all over everything. I'm going to try dried citrus peels next time, and maybe collect and dry some flowers that will hold their scent.

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