Saturday, February 28, 2009

Cut Your Grocery Bill in Half!

How? By using everything you buy before it goes bad! Apparently, on average, we waste a shocking 40-50 percent of the food we buy. That means we have to replace that food (and likely, we will only use half of that as well). The energy to grow it, to ship it, to store it... it’s all for nothing, not to mention all that cash you shelled out at the check out. All of the food we throw out contributes significantly to the rise in methane gas as well.

Rather than let this waste continue, consider making an effort to plan meals using what you have, taking inventory of what may not last too much longer and using it up. One blogger set up a challenge to her readers to waste less food for a month. I suspect those who took her up on it ended up with a change of lifestyle that helped them significantly at the grocery store. Another one is writing a book about wasted food, and has a blog dedicated to this subject.
Food Waste Reduction Challenge - February 2009

We no longer toss stuff out saying “Well, it will make good compost” and instead, find ourselves muttering “If we put these radishes in water, do you think they'll revive?” If they do, that’s 1.25 right there, buddy.

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